The Bank of England announces swap arrangement to provide liquidity to US Federal Reserve. That was announced yesterday. Strange move, as everybody thought that the almighty FED was saving the world. Apparently they need every penny they can find.
The official explanation: the FED lends these currencies to US-based banks to meet foreign currency needs.
Is this news causing the dollar short squeeze, this morning in Europe?
Another funny thing: the trailing multiple on reported S&P500 earnings is now 100x times. I remember that even on the top of the tech-boom the NASDAQ multiple was only the half. The implosion of profits is causing much more havoc than everybody want to know.
But the bulls are out. The AAII survey shows that the share of bullish investors expanded from 18.9% to 42.7%. We were here before. Right: in January. When the other bull market faded away.
De US Securities Exchange Commission is considering four proposals to restrict short selling. The restoration of the uptick rule is one of them. Others are the ‘bid test’ and a ‘circuit breaker’.
And then there is Larry Summers. The man attires a lot of attention these days, especially his paychecks.
We always liked the guys at They show you charts which tell you more than 1000 words.
Look to this:
The official explanation: the FED lends these currencies to US-based banks to meet foreign currency needs.
Is this news causing the dollar short squeeze, this morning in Europe?
Another funny thing: the trailing multiple on reported S&P500 earnings is now 100x times. I remember that even on the top of the tech-boom the NASDAQ multiple was only the half. The implosion of profits is causing much more havoc than everybody want to know.
But the bulls are out. The AAII survey shows that the share of bullish investors expanded from 18.9% to 42.7%. We were here before. Right: in January. When the other bull market faded away.
De US Securities Exchange Commission is considering four proposals to restrict short selling. The restoration of the uptick rule is one of them. Others are the ‘bid test’ and a ‘circuit breaker’.
And then there is Larry Summers. The man attires a lot of attention these days, especially his paychecks.
We always liked the guys at They show you charts which tell you more than 1000 words.
Look to this:

Jesse writes:
The Obama Administration is scrambling to obtain relief from Europe and Asia, getting them to inflate their own currencies through 'stimulus,' in order to continue to hide the unalterable truth - the US must partially default on its debt as expressed in the dollar.
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