We have a chart of the top 20 sovereigns with the largest amount of net Credit Default Swap notional exposure. The winner is clearly Italy, followed by Spain. The green boxes show the difference between the prices of these CDS dating from 6 March and now.
Yes: tightening all over the place.
How come?
Better underlying data? A positive credit event? As far as I know things are becoming gloomier with the day.
The only reason can be a squeeze.
If one counts well, he only will find 19 names. Yes, one is missing. Just behind Belgium.
Let’s have a guess: which country could that be?
Yes: tightening all over the place.
How come?
Better underlying data? A positive credit event? As far as I know things are becoming gloomier with the day.
The only reason can be a squeeze.
If one counts well, he only will find 19 names. Yes, one is missing. Just behind Belgium.
Let’s have a guess: which country could that be?
Yes: The Emerald Isle

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