Monday 29 December 2008

Gold rules

Time to put on some rules for dealing with renko-charts.
1. if the CCI comes from greater than -100 to >-100 than a buy signal is generated if the SAR switches from above the price action to beneath the price
2. if the CCI is above 100 and moves under 100 than a sell signal is produced if the SAR switches from beneath the price action to above the price.
This is the easy part.
Don't forget that CCI is dealing with the strenght of a trend. It happens that the CCI is weakening but that the SAR remains supportive. Than we follow the SAR-indicator and maintain the trade.
And vice versa.
The SAR rules once a trade is set-up.
Of course nobody is obliged to wait for a turn of the SAR to be stopped out of a trade.
Taking profits is not a sin.
There looms alway another profitable trade somewhere else.
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1 comment:

  1. hi, I was wondering if this counts for weekly and monthly charts too...
    do you know any websites where you can work with renko charts? thank you very much and keep the good work going on...succes


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