It’s simple and still so difficult. Trying to nail down the ETF’s which are most overbought and short them.
As a measure the 50-day moving average is taken. And this is the observation:
The Russian stock market ETF is the most overbought, trading 36.17% above its 50-day. India ranks second at 35.72%, followed by the steel ETF (SLX), emerging market Europe (GUR), metals and mining (XME), and Singapore. The majority of the ETFs on this list track countries.
As a measure the 50-day moving average is taken. And this is the observation:
The Russian stock market ETF is the most overbought, trading 36.17% above its 50-day. India ranks second at 35.72%, followed by the steel ETF (SLX), emerging market Europe (GUR), metals and mining (XME), and Singapore. The majority of the ETFs on this list track countries.
Thanks to Bespoke Invest:

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